Finding a Caregiver, a Memory Care Home, or Assisted Living in San Luis Obispo County is not easy.
Are you stressed out and overwhelmed? I talk to people like you every
Keeping track of your aging loved one's health can be difficult. Doctors love to use terminology that many of us are unfamiliar with, which can be confusing. Now think about
Many people come to me and the first thing they tell me is that I have never done this before and I need help. Isn't that the smartest way to
We often feel very guilty, suggesting to our parents that they need care. We often let this guilt get in the way of doing what we know has to be
We have seen this happen in the caregiving and assisted living space. Caregivers have started to receive higher wages, and for care communities to stay in business, they have to
Caregiving Control
Working with San Luis Obispo Caregivers, a Referral Agency, gives the client more caregiving control. Instead of rolling the dice on a home care agency that will assign you
Most of the senior living calls I receive are from a stressed-out child of an elderly parent in the Skilled Nursing Facility. This person is busy with their own lives
Caregiving and Vacations
So you got your second vaccination shot, and you are planning a vacation. You might simply be staying home for a staycation or heading to a vacation home
As a caregiver, it is a daily challenge to remind yourself to be present. Whoever told us to, “Stop and smell the roses” was on to something! There is great