The older you are, the greater the chances of being diagnosed with at least one chronic health condition. The CDC estimates that 60 percent of adults have one chronic health condition and 40 percent have two.

After the age of 65, your mom is likely to have one or more of these health issues. Learn how to recognize the symptoms and what home care services will help her as she ages at home.


Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia. In the early stages, forgetfulness is common. As it advances, Alzheimer’s patients forget to take medications or take too many. They can’t remember if they’ve eaten and may eat too much or not enough. Personal care, speech, and mobility are all impacted.

Your mom will need someone to cook her meals and take her shopping. She won’t be able to drive because she won’t always remember how to get from one place to another. She’ll need someone to help her schedule appointments and prescription refills. Eventually, she’ll need help with showering, dressing, and personal care.



Breast, lung, and prostate cancer are the three most common cancers. They’re not the only ones. Diet helps lower the risk of some cancers. Maintaining a healthy weight, stopping smoking, and limiting alcoholic beverages also helps.

If your mom is diagnosed with cancer, she’ll have multiple medical appointments. Surgeries may be required. She’ll need help getting to and from those appointments. She’ll also want to have someone helping her at home with housework, laundry, meals, and medication reminders.



Over 26 million adults have diabetes. It’s estimated that another 7.3 million haven’t been diagnosed yet. There are also 24.2 million over the age of 64 with prediabetes. It’s one of the most common chronic health conditions in the nation.

Your mom’s diet needs to change to avoid excessive amounts of sugar and processed carbohydrates. She wants to focus on whole grains, fiber, vegetables, and lean protein. Meal preparation services can help her meet her dietary goals. Caregivers can also remind her to get enough exercise.


High Blood Pressure

Almost half of all adults in the U.S. have high blood pressure. It’s a leading cause of heart disease and stroke. Lowering blood pressure readings may require prescription medications. Diet and exercise are other steps to take. If your mom smokes, she needs to stop smoking.

Home care services like medication reminders, meal preparation, and companionship can help your mom reduce her blood pressure. Caregivers can also drive your mom to medical appointments and refill her prescriptions. You might also want to talk to her doctor about home health care visits to have her blood pressure checked regularly.

To arrange any of these home care services, talk to a specialist. That home care expert will walk you through the pricing and arrangements. It’s easy to set up services and make sure your mom is supported as her symptoms and health changes.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Homecare in Templeton, CA, please contact the friendly staff at San Luis Obispo Caregivers.
Call today: (805) 748-2614

