Refer a Caregiver and get $100 (watch video)

Find a Good Caregiver

I had an epiphany today. A good caregiver are hard to find.

Okay, that wasn’t the epiphany.

Caregiver Referral Campaign

Everyone is looking in the same place for a Caregiver

Right now, all home care, Assisted Living, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Hospitals, and even some families are fighting it out, competing for caregivers on job boards like Craigslist and Indeed. I don’t want these caregivers. I like the caregivers that aren’t looking for a job. My epiphany is that excellent caregivers are not looking at job boards. They are working. For years the best caregivers always come from referrals from other caregivers, clients, or former clients.

I am looking for friendly, experienced, respectful people that get what it takes to provide care for people. I’m looking for exceptional caregivers. Being independent empowers experienced caregivers the most, but it comes with more responsibility. With that responsibility comes the ability to negotiate your rate and schedule.

Independent Caregiver

I will let you in on a little secret. Clients prefer working out a schedule directly with a caregiver. They don’t want to go through management to make a change. Do you have a referral for me? We would like you to invite the best caregivers you know to call or apply online to be in the San Luis Obispo Caregivers Referral Agency.

It is easy:

  1. Apply at or call and
  2. set up an interview with David
  3. Complete the background screening and paperwork

June Caregiver Referral Campaign*

In June- July 2022, we are rolling out a caregiver referral campaign. If you refer a caregiver to us and they meet the qualifications and start working with us, you get $100, and the new caregiver also gets $100.

David WoodĀ (805)748-2614

*SLO Caregivers will pay the $100 Referral fee to both the new caregiver and the person who referred them. The new caregiver must work a minimum of 4 hours for both parties to receive the $100. The Campaign ends July 31, 2022.


For in-home care with experienced independent local caregivers

San Luis Obispo Caregivers, A Referral Agency


For assisted living, care homes, and independent living help

My Senior Navigator




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