Top five reasons people call me for a caregiver or placement services

Why do people Get a Caregiver?

It’s a straightforward concept, but it is a little embarrassing for us. Of the 20 or so different reasons I get calls for a caregiver or to find assisted living for people, one stands out the most. Most of my calls come from the adult children of the older person who needs care.

Here are the top 5 reasons people call me:

5. They are rehabbing an injury, usually from a fall around the house. Over 8 million falls per year, and millions more never get reported.

4. Dementia – typically, this call comes in from a family member worried their parent needs oversight. Wandering, poor financial decisions, driving, and unsafe use of equipment are typically the tipping point actions.

3. Hospice – At the end of life, the family will typically bring in caregivers to allow the family to grieve. A caregiver can help with the physical needs of a loved one but can also be instrumental in navigating the family through the end-of-life process.

2. Just starting – we often get calls from folk who have been trying to do everything independently but need a little help. This care includes help around the house, cleaning, meals, and laundry.

1. Having to change diapers and bathing a loved one is the number one reason people hire a caregiver. I call it the naked factor. Most of my clients are comfortable helping mom and dad around the house, but once the clothes come off, it’s a line most of us don’t want to cross. Mom and dad aren’t wild about this either, which makes this the most common reason I get called. I hope this helps.

Let me know if I can help you find a caregiver or if you would like to set up a tour to check out the local assisted living communities or care homes.

Help is just a quick phone call away.



Contact Information

For in-home care with experienced independent local caregivers,

San Luis Obispo Caregivers, A Referral Agency

For assisted living, care homes, and independent living help

My Senior Navigator



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