Forgive Me for my Joke!

Figuring out what to do with a loved one when they need senior care may seem easy, but it’s not! Many people go out on their own and call a few assisted living communities to get some information, but they don’t understand all of their options.

Making the wrong decision or not understanding all of your loved one’s options can put them at risk. My goal is to make a win/win/win solution for you.  It should be a win for you, the care provider, and me too!  

My agency helps people find caregivers and senior living options, so I’m never going to push you in a direction that is not in your and your loved one’s best interest.

Give me a call if I can help.



Referral Campaign* In 2022, we have a caregiver referral campaign. If you refer a caregiver to us and they meet the qualifications and start working with us, you get $100, and the new caregiver also gets $100.

It is easy: Apply at or call and set up an interview with David Complete the background screening and paperwork

*SLO Caregivers will pay the $100 Referral fee to both the new caregiver and the person who referred them. The new caregiver must work a minimum of 4 hours for both parties to receive the $100.

The Campaign ends on Nov. 30, 2022. —-

For in-home care with experienced independent local caregivers, San Luis Obispo Caregivers, A Referral Agency

For assisted living, care homes, and independent living help, My Senior Navigator




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